Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Observations of life without a Dog

We had to let our dog go a little while ago, he was very possessive of the kids and I and we couldn't have people over and feel comfortable with him in the same room. Fortunately we were able to give him back to the people we got him from so we know he's doing well. However, things are different around the house without a dog. 1. There's no barking, which is good and bad... no one to wake up the babies when they're sleeping or just randomly back a person walking across the street, but also no one to let me know that someone has come home or someones at the door. 2. There's allot less hair and dust around the house. This is a big one when you have hard wood floors, I can kinda keep up with the house not looking so dusty now. 3. No one to clean up the messes on the floor. Either the food Tobz dropped on the floor from eating or the messes he made, like yesterday, (video to follow) or Zeke's spit up or something dropped while I'm cooking, it all now has to be swept or picked up by hand. 4. Tobz is missing a play mate... the cats just don't interact the way the puppy did. 5. I've got no running partner. 6. No dog poo to pick up... That's a really nice one... I can just send Tobz to the backyard and not have to worry about him. I've sure there's more but now by baby's awake and I must go. Despite the list I still miss our Jack.

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