Monday, February 28, 2011

Becasue anything less would just be boring

This is one of those days that boring would have been nice...
the recipe:
2 little ones with RSV
1 adult with RSV and a migraine
1 car that won't start
1 trip to the doctor's office
several pharmacies with out the prescribed medicine available

First let dad take the kiddos until the migraine meds take the edge off the migraine
2 comfort little one that was pushed down the stairs by big one
3 make dr.'s appt.
4 find out that the car that's behind the vehicle with the carseats won't start
5 make the two little ones comfy while the two of you work on the cars
6 get that car going, but don't turn it off so the battery can charge
7 get everyone ready to go to the dr's office
8 almost fall on the black ice carrying the little one
9 get to Dr. confirm RSV diagnosis
10 meet dad for lunch with 2 sleepy cranky babies that did rather well
11 find out that most of the pharmacies in the area don't have the perscription available
12 find one that does
13 try to figure out how to pick it up with two napping kids... oh wait... that means I should be napping too
14 skip laundry for the day
15 go take a nap.

bye =)